A User's Guide to the PSU Federal Statistical Research Data Center
SSRI Workshop by Mark Roberts, Professor of Economics, and Chris Galvan, RDC Administrator
March 2015
Part 1 - Overview of the RDC network and economic data
Part 2 - Demographic and health data and application process
Conference on Social Science Research Using the RDC Network
As part of the opening, the Department of Economics and Population Research Institute hosted a two day conference on April 7-8, 2014 titled Social Science Research Using the RDC Network. The conference highlighted research papers that used a range of data resources available in the RDC. In addition to the research presentations, Rodney Erickson, President of Penn State, John H. Thompson, Director, US Census Bureau, and Mark Doms, Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, were speakers.
The U.S. Census Bureau Research Data Center--A Valuable New Resource for Penn State Demographers
On April 7–8, 2014, the Department of Economics and the Population Research Institute (PRI) held an opening conference—Social Science Research Using the RDC Network—to introduce Penn State’s new U.S. Census Bureau Research Data Center (RDC) and raise awareness of the RDC among Penn State researchers. With 40 out-of-town presenters and roughly 80 Penn State faculty and graduate students from across the university, the event highlighted the potential of the RDC to enhance research in the fields of economics, demography, statistics, sociology, and health services as well as introduced Penn State researchers to key U.S. Census Bureau stakeholders and other researchers in the RDC network.
Read the full story here.