Penn State is home to one of over 30 Federal Statistical Research Data Centers located around the country. These centers provide researchers with secure access to restricted economic, demographic, and health data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. It is a vital resource for Penn State faculty and graduate student researchers in the fields of economics, business, demography, statistics, sociology, and health services.
The data that is available through the RDC is the micro data on individuals, families, business establishments, and firms that are collected in the surveys and censuses undertaken by these government agencies. Many of the demographic and health data sets contain geographic detail and more detailed question responses and variables that are not available in the public use versions of the surveys. The economic data available include longitudinal data on establishments, including detailed geographic information, and matched employee-employer data. Many of the data sets can be linked across surveys or with external data sources providing a rich set of opportunities for researchers.